A Day in a Moms Life

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

WInter Blues and My hopes for them to POOF

We homeschool... not sure if I have shared that. I love it, I adore my children, I adore my blessing to be home with them, I even adore that they are with me pretty much 24/7. With that said WOW winter really needs to be over. I forget what the winter blahs do to us all... Im cranky, they are cranky... Hubby goes to work everyday so he has no clue why we all scream so much.

With that said this weekend is the homeschool conference.... Our first conference was last year it was AMAZING tons of other like minded people... people who just get it who dont ask really stupid questions or give you the your really screwing up your kids for life look. The hotel has added a HUGE indoor waterpark so we are staying an extra night.. Im seriously hoping for the winter blues to be GONE poof when we get home.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I Am Woman Hear Me Roar

I said that one day a few years back... my stepsons were 12 and 10 at the time and the youngest from the backseat of the car innocently responded with MEOW. Everyone found it very funny, we still do.... Now fast forward today and I feel like all I have done this afternoon and evening thus far is ROAR and you know whats worse than that little meow is the silence I am met with, Seriously am I even here today???? Noone has heard me all day... I say something and get met with a blank stare. I asked hubby this am to seperate some meat in the fridge to get it in the freezer.. blank stare and he didnt do it. I asked J to throw the clothes from the washer to dryer again blank stare. B was told all day to clean her room, yep you guessed it blank stare. Then of course what happens I BLOW you know that totally out of control give your self a headache mom scream????? Yep that was me.... and its ooooo so effective what did I get yep you guessed it BLANK FREAKIN STARES... SO I ask of you AM I HERE??? CAN ANYONE SEE OR HEAR ME????????

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ok so here it is... My Feb 10, 2007 resolution! I WILL BLOG MORE!! HAHA I think about I really really do... and then I get busy and I dont. So there it is! My commintment to me... and if I still have any readers to you all! I WILL BLOG DAILY! Well ok lets not be radical I will Blog every other day... OK OK OK I know its me were talking about I will try really really darn hard to blog more often! Smiles

Whats new? Whats not new? Its just the day to day stuff so would be a really boring post!

Tonight we are off to dinner for MIL bday also for my husbands uncles Bday although he doesnt know it! So MIL is 60, Uncle is 50 and hubby was 40 hahaha its been a big year for birthdays in this family!

For Christmas my SIL and BIL and Hubby and I have my inlaws a trip to springfield as my MIL shares her bday with President Lincoln so did a whole themed weekend... they leave tonight after dinner (or In the am they live by no schedule)) Im about as exicited as they are to hear what the hotel is like...

Ok so Hubby is working up the kids... this may be a good thing if it burns off energy or it may be a bad thing if they are wild through dinner.... Anyhoo I have rambled enough!! IM BACK!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

MIA And Christmastime

So I have been MIA wow theres a shock..... What a mnth my laptop died my sister sent me the disks to reboot it (it was hers and she upgraded and shared the wealth!) Still not working well. Had to reset up the desktop which had become the kids school computer, they are less than thrilled!

Ive been sick... they have been sick... the dogs have even had the flu I think! In the midst of all of this we have still been doing 4h, girl scouts, boy scouts, unschooling group and I am gearing up to get brochures printed and in the mail for the INHOME Conference coming up at the end of feb... just imagine 7 pages of brochure 1 cardstock coverpage, printed, addressed, stamped and mailed to 2,500 people oh did I mention to be mailed out no later than Jan 2nd and I havent gotten the brochure yet to start the process??? CHAOS I tell you Chaos!

Christmas is rapidly approaching and im excited yet a bit overwhelmed, im still not done and well I just dont really even feel like shopping, oh well there is still time to get bit by the Christmas spirit bug! Im going to try my hardest to be better with posting!

If I dont post before I wish all of you A Very Merry Christmas

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through my head are thankful thoughts... So I thought I'd share!

Im thankful for a great husbad
Im thankful for my children
Im thankful for the soliders fighting for my freedom
Im thankful for the freedom in IL for homeschooling
Im thankful for a wonderful extended family
Im thankful for great friends

This has been a yr of ups and downs good and bad... just all around a normal year. At this time of reflection I realize I have a home to live in and keep me protected from the weather, I have transportation for my husband to get to work and for the kids and I to do "fun" and sometimes not so fun stuff during the day. My children are overall healthy and we have too many blessing to count.

With this I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

You Belong in Fall
Intelligent, introspective, and quite expressive at times...You appreciate the changes in color, climate, and mood that fall bringsWhether you're carving wacky pumpkins or taking long drives, autumn is a favorite time of year for you

Cat in the Hat no I mean Fridge

My goal is to try and figure out how to add picturs to the blog... im thinking it cant be too hard but who knows. Been one of those busy weeks with running, running running.. Tomorrow will be a day of cooking woo hoo fun fun!

So today the big news is that the cat got stuck in the fridge... yes the fridge. We have an extra "drink" fridge and the cat must have jumped in (im really trying to wishful think that J didnt put him there) The cat (peter pan) was none the worse for the time spent locked up! HAHA

The bunny is doing good.... my nerves not so much Shelby our lab/american bulldog mix wants to eat her in the worst way so I spend my days say no bunny bad shelby......

Sometimes I feel like my life is insane 3 dogs 3 cats 1 bunny 2 kids 1 husband..... nuff said

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Ok so Im a bit behind with posts.... it was just one of those weekends. Friday was a day full of errands woo hoo. Saturday was for the most part a wasted day... I had stayed up WAY WAY to late friday night.
Which is one of our family issues, somehow we got on this screwy schedule, up til 1 2 3 am and then sleeping til noon. Which is on of the things I do love about homeschooling but still this is just taking a toll on our family. So tonight 10pm lights out kids in bed. Not that I care if they fall right to sleep but something has to be done. Next week is really low key!!! Monday is busy we have physical therapy for B and pic up family pictures we had done and then do some shopping and then girl scouts tomorrow night. I will be glad to stay home tuesday and wednesday! Anyhow without furthur chit chat here is my menu for the week... we had the ham and scalloped potatoes tonight for dinner and yum yum!

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sun French Toast Chicken Nuggets Ham and scalloped potatoes
Mon Cereal Out Frozen Pizza
Tues Oatmeal Pb&J Nachos
Wed French toast sticks Hot Dogs Jacobs Shepards Pie
Fri Oatmeal Chicken Nuggets Crockpot Bacon Chicken
Sat Pancakes PB&J Pasta